Configuration - Work Orders


The Configuration - Work Orders option is used to determine the operating method for work orders and the forms to be used.




maestro* > Projects > Maintenance > Work Orders > Configuration - Work Orders


Enter the configurations

  1. Enter the required information in the ClosedGeneral tab:



Validate work order number in other modules

Confirms the work order number in the various modules. ClosedAvailable values:

Allow change of customer in “Enter Work Orders”

If selected, allows you to modify the customer when entering work orders even if a customer has been defined in Project Management or Invoicing Contract (w/o).

NOTE: When this option is left unchecked, the system does not allow you to modify the customer if one has been defined in Project Management. However, if no client has been defined, it is possible to select one.

Allow to close a work order even if there are non-transferred transactions

When selected, allows you to close a work order even if certain transactions have not been transferred.

NOTES: If the option is selected and some existing transactions have not been transferred, a confirmation message will be displayed when the work order is transferred. If you answer Yes to the question “Some transactions have not been transferred for the work order, would you close the work order?”, the system will close the work order. If you answer No to the question, the system will leave the work order open.

If the option is unselected, when a work order is transferred, a warning message will be displayed. It will then be impossible to perform a final transfer if certain transactions have not been transferred.

Material Transfer Method

Determines the operation to perform to update the various options of the procurement system when the work order is transferred. ClosedAvailable values:

If no maximum or minimum thresholds have been defined in Catalogue Management and in Catalogue Item Procurement, the system will create a catalogue order when transferring the materials used.

Status of requisitions created

Default status of the requisition created when transferring the work order.

The following statuses are available to the user: A-Entered and P-Confirmed.

NOTE: This field must only be populated if the Material Transfer Method option is set to 2-Requisition or 4-Requisition or Stock Order Cat

Delivery Location for Order Creation

Delivery location that will be provided when orders are created. ClosedAvailable values:

Company that owns Inventory

Used to specify the company to which the inventory belongs.

NOTE: Available in multidimensional mode only.

Activity Priority for Bonus

Priority of activities related to bonuses. ClosedAvailable values:

Group Priority for Bonus

Priority of spending groups related bonuses. ClosedAvailable values:

Default Work Order Type

Allows user to select the default work order type.

Limit concurrent access to a W/O to a single user

Check in order to prevent more than one user in the work order.

NOTE: When the configuration is activated, a warning message will appear if a user accesses a work order already open by another user.

Import Hours from Dispatch

Select to import hours For Current Work Order or For Current Project.

WO Acceptance Status

Allows user to specify if the work orders entered in the Work Order module must be accepted or not by default.

Reserve the Required Material for Work Orders

Check the box to activate the Work Order requisition type in the Type field of the Equipement Requisition screen.

NOTE: To activate the Work Order requisition type in the Equipment Requisition option, a Prefix to Use to Generate the Reservation Number must also be defined in Configuration - Works Orders.

External WO Acceptance Status

Allows user to specify if the work orders entered outside of the Work Order module must be accepted or not by default.

Prefix to Use to Generate the Reservation Number

Allows the user to define a prefix that will be used to generate reservation numbers for Work Order requisition types in the Equipment Requisition option.

NOTE: To activate the Work Order requisition type in the Equipment Requisition option, the box Reserve the Required Material for Work Orders must also be checked in Configuration - Works Orders.

Destination of hours

Select the destination of hours. Available values:


When this option is selected, the message “Please be aware that the chosen destination for hours in the work order configurations is "None". The hours will not be transferred to the project hours, will not have an impact on the costs of the projects and will not be able to be used to prepare the payroll." is displayed when transferring hours.

NOTE : It is possible to add or modify hours when the hours' destination is None, even if the pay period is closed.

Enter Hours - Invoicing (according on project)

If the Internal hours invoicing is not activated, this option will not be available

Enter Hours - Invoicing (Interco only)

The Enter Hours - Invoicing (Interco only) option allows to transfer work order hours to the “Invoicing Hours” if the work order project is “Billable” and if its prefix (company) is different from the employees payroll prefix. Applicable to multidimensional mode and only.

Normal Hours

Transfer to normal hours.

Default Progress Status

Allows the user to define the default progress status when creating a work order.

Reserve the Required Material for Work Orders

If checked, this box tells the software to automatically generate reservation numbers when processing requisitions for which a work order is indicated and the requisition type is Project-Reservation.

Prefix to Use to Generate the Reservation Number

Allows to indicate which prefix to use when generating the reservation number.

  1. Work Order Numbering section:



Pad with leading zeros?

Used to precede work order numbers with zeroes (i.e. 0000003).

Work Order Counter

Used to define the work order counter.

When a new work order is saved, if the W.O. No. field is left blank, the system automatically assigns a number to the work order using this counter.

NOTES: The counter number entered is the last number issued by the system.

You can also define a work order counter by user. If you do this, the user counter will supersede this counter.

Work Order Format

Used to create a numbering mask for work order quotations.

Quotation Work Order Counter

Used to define the work order quotation counter.

When a new work order quotation is saved, if the W.O. No. field is left blank, the system automatically assigns a number to the quotation using this counter.

NOTES: The counter number entered is the last number issued by the system.

You can use the same counter as the one used for work orders by specifying -1.

You can also define a work order quotation counter by user. If you do this, the user counter will supersede this counter.

This function is only available if the Quotations Work Orders module is installed.

Quotation Work Order Format

Used to create a numbering mask for work order quotations.

NOTE: This function is only available if the Quotations Work Orders module is installed.

  1. Mobility section:



Immediately send the form

Allows you to send the form immediately when the client configuration is According to the general settings.

  1. Direct Invoicing section:



Direct Invoicing of Linked Work Orders

Allows you to automatically invoice work orders associated with the main work order in the Work Order option.

Activity to validate under “Material Used” tab

Allows you to determine whether activities under the Material Used tab must be validated according to revenue activity or expense activity (according to invoice activity ranges defined in invoicing project).

  1. Enter the required information in the ClosedAccrued Charges tab :

This section must be completed to prepare the accounting entry for accrued charges for the work order. An Excel file will be created after running the Export Accrued Work Orders function. Refer to the Post Accrued Charges for Work Orders procedure.




Deferred Income Activity

Activity used to post deferred income from work orders.

NOTE: This activity will be used to post the "credit" portion of the deferred income entry. Since it affects each of the projects, it must exist in each project for which deferred income exists. If an activity is not specified, the system uses the activity specified in the original transaction on the Work Order.

Accrued Project

Project used to post deferred income.

NOTE: This project will be used to post the "debit" portion of the deferred income entry.

Accrued Activity

Activity used to post deferred income.

NOTE: This activity will be used to post the "debit" portion of the deferred income entry.

Accrued Group

Group used to post deferred income.

NOTE: This group will be used to post the "debit" portion of the deferred income entry.

  1. Enter the required information in the ClosedForms tab :



Work Order Form

Form used to print standard work orders.

NOTE: If no form is specified, the system uses BTBON.STD, the standard form.

Pre-Approval Invoicing Form

Form used to print the sales amount associated with a work order.

NOTE: This functionality is available from the Selling Revision icon of the Enter Work Orders option and it disables direct invoicing.

Work Approval Form

Form used for approving work.

Regular Maintenance Form

Form used for work orders linked to the Equipment module for regular maintenance.

NOTES: If no form is specified, the system uses EPRBON.STD, the standard form.

This function is only available if the Equipment module is installed.

PMP Maintenance Form

Form used for work orders linked to the Equipment module for PMP maintenance activities.

NOTES: If no form is specified, the system uses, EPPBONN.STD the standard form.

This function is only available if the Equipment module is installed.

Work Order Quotation Form

Form used for work order quotations created from the Enter Work Orders option.

NOTES: If no form is specified, the system uses BTSOUM.STD, the standard form.

  1. Enter the required information in the ClosedWork Order Review tab :

Work Order Review and Work Order Approval Report section:



Header Title

Description of the title that will be displayed in the header of the Work Order Review report, which is accessed via the Print icon of the Work Order option.

Total Title 1

Description to be displayed for the total.

Total Title 2

Second description to be displayed for the total.

NOTE: Titles 1 and 2 will be displayed one after the other on the same line for the description of the total.

Travel Time Bonus Code

Used to specify bonus codes to be used for travel time. They are displayed in the Travel Time column on the Work Order Review Report and Work Order Review Report (Billable) reports.

NOTE: The bonus codes are those created with the Define Earning/Deduction Codes option. If multiple travel codes are used, separate the codes with a comma.

Print the signature line

Tells the system to print two lines on respective reports so that the customer and a manager can sign and enter the appropriate date. This applies to the following reports:

  • Work Order Review Report
  • Work Order Review Report (Billable Items Only)
  • Work Order Approval Report

NOTE: These reports are available in the Enter Work Orders option from the printer.

Work Order Approval Report Format

Used to define the format to be displayed when printing the Work OrderApproval report available in the Print menu in the Work Order screen. Available values:

NOTE: Sub-contractor, Material and Miscellaneous transactions are grouped in the Miscellaneous section.

Stamp Image File

File containing an image in JPEG, BMP or GIF format that can be printed on work orders related to this customer. The image will be printed in the lower right corner of the following reports:

  • Work Order Review Report
  • Work Order Review Report (Billable Items Only).

NOTE: These reports are available by clicking the Printer icon in the Enter Work Orders option.

CAUTION! If an image file was entered in the Invoicing Information tab in Customer Management, it has priority over the Configuration.

  1. Enter the required information in the ClosedQuotations tab:
  1. Quotation Numbering section:



Quotation Counter

Allows to specify the first number to use when numbering the quotations. After a test phase, this field can be used to reset the counter to zero.

NOTE: This counter is shared between work order quotations and service call quotations.

  1. Generated Work Orders section:



Default Progress Status

Allows to indicate the work order's default progress status to use when it is generated from a quotation.

Add material and items to invoice only (no hours)

If this box is checked, only the material and items to invoice will be added to the generated work order; if applicable, salaries will be excluded.

  1. Enter the required information in the ClosedMaintenance and Repairs section:



Create the work order in the company that owns the equipment

If this box is checked, the work order will be created in the company that owns the piece of equipment.

NOTE: This parameter is only available in the multidimensional mode.

  1. Click Save.


See also


Last modification: February 18, 2025